March 17th- 21st HEB Bear Facts
March 10th-14th HEB Bear Facts
March 3rd-7th HEB School Bear Facts
Bear Facts Newsletter February 24th-28th
HEB School Bear Facts February 17th-21st
HEB School Bearfacts Newsletter February 10th-14th
HEB School Bear Facts Feb 3rd-7th
HEB School Bear Facts Jan 27-31
HEB School Bear Facts Jan 20th-24th
HEB School Bear Facts Jan 13th-17th
HEB Winter Break Bear Facts Dec 23rd 27th
HEB School Bear Facts Dec 16th -20th
HEB Bear Facts December 9th-13th
HEB Bear Facts Newsletter Dec 2nd-6th
HEB School Bear Facts Nov 25th-Nov 29th
HEB Bear Facts Newsletter Nov 18th-Nov 22nd
Bear Facts Newsletter November 11th-15th
HEB School Bear Facts Nov 4th-Nov 8th
Bear Facts Newsletter Oct 28th- Nov 1st
Bear Facts Newsletter Oct 21st-25th
Bear Facts Newsletter Oct 14th-18th
Bear Facts Newsletter October 7th-11th
Bear Facts Sept 30th-October 4th
Bear Facts Newsletter Sept 23rd-27th
Bear Facts Sept 16th-20th
Bear Facts Newsletter September 06th 2024
Bear Facts June 24th-27th 2024

Bearfacts Newsletter June 17th-21st

Bear Facts May 20th, 2024

May 13th - 16th Bear facts Newsletter

H.E.B Bear Facts Newsletter May 6th - 10th

Bear Facts Newsletter - April 22nd - April 25th

Bear Facts Newsletter April 15th-19th

Bear Facts Newsletter

Bear Facts March 18-22

Bear Facts March 11-15

HEB Bear Facts March 4-8

HEB Bear Facts Newsletter Feb 19-23

Bear Facts Newsletter February 12th-16th

Bear Facts Newsletter Oct 28th-Nov 1st

Bear Facts Newsletter Oct 21st-25th

Important Parent Message.

Northern Lights Parent Summary Video
Please watch this Informative School Safety Summary video for parents. Thank you for taking the time to learn about NLPS Safety Protocols that keep all our students and staff safe.

Bear Facts Newsletter for January 29- February 2, 2024

January 22nd-26th Bear Facts newsletter.

Bear Facts Newsletter January 15- January 18, 2024

Bear Facts December 18th - 22nd

Bear Fact December 11-15

Click here for our McDonalds hot lunch fundraiser
Click here for December 12-14 hot lunch
Click here to order moms pantry before Monday
Order number: 381522 Group Passcode: 25023
Bear facts newsletter November 17th, 2023

Bear Facts October 30th-November 3rd

Bear Facts Newsletter October 6th, 2023

Bear Facts Newsletter September 28th, 2023

Bear Facts Newsletter #2

click here for this weeks Bear Facts Newsletter
Or scroll down and press play for a "no links" version.

H.E.B Bear Facts Newsletter May 6th - 10th

Bear Facts #4 February 3rd, 2023

Unfortunately Our HEB Basketball tournament has been canceled due to scheduling conflicts.
we apologize for any inconvenience.
Bear Facts #3 January 27th, 2023

Bear Facts Newsletter April 15th-19th

Bear Facts 2 January 20th 2023

New Bear Facts 1
Bear Facts 15
Bear Facts 14
Bear Facts #14
Kindness Matter at HEB!
This Term HEB Focuses on Kindness!
New Student Advocacy Counselor - We are excited to welcome Ms. Whitney Arcand to HEB as our new Student Advocacy Counselor. Ms. Arcand officially starts in this role on December 12. Please know that any students who had consent forms signed with Ms. Angell earlier this year will continue with counseling services. Welcome to HEB Whitney!!!
Mr. Godziuk Returning December 22: We continue to have the Godziuk family in our thoughts and we are excited to see Mr. Godziuk back in our bear den. He will be returning to 7G on the day before Christmas break, Thursday, December 22. Thank you again to Mrs Scott as she continues to take care of the 7G students while he is absent.
All HEB students will be going skiing in the new year to Kinosoo in Cold Lake. Grades 5 and 8 will go on Friday, February 24 and Grades 6 and 7 will go on Friday, March 17. More information will be coming out in the new year!
Grade 7 and 8 PE classes will be mostly outside this week while the gym is being set up for the Christmas concert. Please dress for being outside for 40 minutes every day!
Entrepreneurship Fundraiser - Wish your child a Happy Holiday and have a Candy Gram delivered to their class by a few good elves on the Santa Squad!!! The Candy Gram includes: a stuffy with a candy cane and chocolate and a little bag of treats for $7.00 available on School Cash Online. This wonderful fundraiser is being done by Ms. Huntley's Entrepreneurship Class - The Santa Squad. 10% of profits are going to the Stollery Children's Hospital. Deliveries take place the last week of school before break.
Afterschool BEAR Clubs - We are excited to have many students participating in Bear Clubs after school. We do want to remind families that these clubs end at 4:20 pm and that all students should be picked up for this time. Please note there will be no Bear Clubs on Dec 22.
Medieval Feast - The Grade 8 teaching team will be hosting a Medieval Feast on Thursday, December 22. Class letters will be sent home Tuesday December 13, with all the details.
Christmas Sweater Challenge - Grade 8C is challenging all the students of HEB to wear a Christmas Sweater on Friday, December 16.
Permission slips for ROK Sports went home this past week with students in grade 7 & 8. Please ensure you return your signed permission forms to the front desk this next week.
Stockings 4 Seniors - 5K Empathy Project
APPLE Schools Update - Did you know that breakfast is provided to all students at HEB on a daily basis. This breakfast includes cereal with milk and fruit (apples, oranges or bananas), toast on Tuesdays, and fruit and yogurt parfaits on Friday. We also have a grab and go packaged granola bar and fruit option available for students on days when they have ROK Sports and Wellness first thing in the day! We appreciate the support of our School Council in providing parent volunteers to help with this program on Tuesday and Thursday mornings.
Christmas Spirit Week Events
Dec 16 - Christmas Sweater Challenge
Dec 19 - Red & Green Day
Dec 20 - Christmas Hat Day
Dec 21 - Christmas Sweater Day
Dec 22 - PJ Day
For your Online Holiday Shopping please use Flip Give. This is such a simple and easy way to contribute to helping us with fundraising money for things such as band equipment or athletic equipment. When shopping on Amazon for instance, 4% goes back to our school. Under Armour is even higher! It all adds up and we are grateful. Here is the link. Check it out and thank you for your support! HEB fundraising FlipGive link
teams/163506-he-bourgoin- fundraiser-sub-committee
Christmas Concert
Students are asked to "wear your favorite christmas outfit" theme. If students have a festive hat, shirt, pants, or a red or green shirt. Students wishing to dress up for the concert are also able to do so.
Students are asked to arrive by 6:00 pm for the concert. We will be starting at 6:30 pm sharp!
The event is free and we encourage all community members to come (parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles, neighbors, etc.). There will be a concession, bake sale, and we will be accepting donations for the music program. We will also have student art on display in the entrance.
HEB is having an 'in house' Art Show: (not a contest), showcasing the talents of our many artists. Art will be displayed during the Christmas concert on December 15 for families to appreciate. The show is open to any HEB artist and for all styles of art. Please see Mrs. Stover to enter a piece, or with any questions.
The Grade 8 classes will be hosting a bake sale during the Christmas concert. You will be able to purchase whole items of Christmas baking. This fundraising event will go towards their Jasper Ski trip.
Bottle Drive - The Grade 8 classes will be having a bottle drive on Saturday, December 10 to fundraise for their Jasper Ski trip.
HEB is so excited to welcome the basketball season and wants to extend a thank you to those staff and community members who have offered to coach or help with the teams. Our bear family is extremely grateful and thankful for the support of so many to make our school sports a reality for the students. The season will officially start with games after the Christmas holidays but we wanted to give our students some extra practice time before the holidays as well. If you have any questions or concerns about the basketball season please reach out to Lynzey Brodziak at as she is taking charge of the basketball season for the athletics team.
Wards & Districts:
We want to inform our families ahead of time that we will be following LSAA recommendations and during wards and districts at the end of basketball season, the best 15 players from both senior basketball teams will be condensed to make one team. The remaining players season’s end at this time. This will be communicated out to the students in the coming weeks as well by our senior coaches.
Have a joyful weekend everyone!
Bear Facts 13
Bear Facts #13
Our 7/8 ROK Sports for report period 1 wrapped up this week. Here are some pictures from the Soccer group!
- NEW 7/8 ROK Sports & Wellness permission forms - On Monday, forms for report period 2 ROK Sports will be sent home, please sign and return permission forms ASAP.
Entrepreneurship Fundraiser - Wish your child a Happy Holiday and have a Candy Gram delivered to their class by a few good elves on the Santa Squad!!! The Candy Gram includes: a stuffy with a candy cane and chocolate and a little bag of treats for $7.00 available on School Cash Online. This wonderful fundraiser is being done by Ms. Huntley's Entrepreneurship Class - The Santa Squad. 10% of profits are going to the Stollery Children's Hospital. Deliveries take place the last week of school before break.
Afterschool BEAR Clubs - We are excited to have many students participating in Bear Clubs after school. We do want to remind families that these clubs end at 4:20 pm and that all students should be picked up for this time. Please note there will be no Bear Clubs on Dec 6, Dec 8, and Dec 22.
HEB Family Baking Exchange - information below from HEB School Council
Good Afternoon HEB Parents, HEB School Council is looking to hold this year’s first annual 2022 Cookie Exchange. We are looking forward to getting to know some other parents within the school all while creating some magical memories with our kids while baking. If you are interested please sign up using the form included with this email. We ask that you please sign up by Monday, December 5th if you are interested in participating. A reminder that the document attached is live and able to be viewed by anyone with the link. For those signed up we will then be in touch with exactly how many cookies you will need to make for the exchange. As we will put parents into groups depending on how many sign up. Cookies are to be handed in on Friday, December 16th and we will organize and have your cookies ready for pickup Monday, December 19th. This is a great time saver, as you only need to make one type of cookie and get a variety in return for your holiday get-togethers or just to share with friends. If you have any questions please feel free to email Jenn Lisoway at Happy Baking! |
Stockings 4 Seniors - 5K Empathy Project Alberta School Council
Association Parent Workshop
APPLE Schools Update - Did you know that breakfast is provided to all students at HEB on a daily basis. This breakfast includes cereal with milk and fruit (apples, oranges or bananas), toast on Tuesdays, and fruit and yogurt parfaits on Friday. We also have a grab and go packaged granola bar and fruit option available for students on days when they have ROK Sports and Wellness first thing in the day! We appreciate the support of our School Council in providing parent volunteers to help with this program on Tuesday and Thursday mornings.
Christmas Spirit Week Events
Dec 19 - Red & Green Day
Dec 20 - Christmas Hat Day
Dec 21 - Christmas Sweater Day
Dec 22 - PJ Day
For your Online Holiday Shopping please use Flip Give. This is such a simple and easy way to contribute to helping us with fundraising money for things such as band equipment or athletic equipment. When shopping on Amazon for instance, 4% goes back to our school. Under Armour is even higher! It all adds up and we are grateful. Here is the link. Check it out and thank you for your support! HEB fundraising FlipGive link
teams/163506-he-bourgoin- fundraiser-sub-committee
Grade 7 & 8 R1 electives also wrapped up this week! Here are pictures from the Cupcake Wars competition from Baking class this cycle!
Christmas Concert - December 15 at 6:30 pm
Students are asked to "wear your favorite Christmas outfit" theme. If students have a festive hat, shirt, pants, or a red or green shirt. Students wishing to dress up for the concert are also able to do so.
Students are asked to arrive by 6:00 pm for the concert. We will be starting at 6:30 pm sharp!
The event is free and we encourage all community members to come (parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles, neighbors, etc.). There will be a concession, bake sale, and we will be accepting donations for the music program. We will also have student art on display in the entrance.
HEB is having an 'in house' Art Show: (not a contest), showcasing the talents of our many artists. Art will be displayed during the Christmas concert on December 15 for families to appreciate. The show is open to any HEB artist and for all styles of art. Please see Mrs. Stover to enter a piece, or with any questions.
The Grade 8 classes will be hosting a bake sale during the Christmas concert. You will be able to purchase whole items of Christmas baking. This fundraising event will go towards their Jasper Ski trip.
Bottle Drive - The Grade 8 classes will be having a bottle drive on Saturday, December 10 to fundraise for their Jasper Ski trip.
HEB is so excited to welcome the basketball season and wants to extend a thank you to those staff and community members who have offered to coach or help with the teams. Our bear family is extremely grateful and thankful for the support of so many to make our school sports a reality for the students. The season will officially start with games after the Christmas holidays but we wanted to give our students some extra practice time before the holidays as well. If you have any questions or concerns about the basketball season please reach out to Lynzey Brodziak at as she is taking charge of the basketball season for the athletics team.
Bear Facts #12
Bear Facts #12
Thank You to Our Incredible School Council for Treating our Staff with a Delicious Pot Luck Meal!
Thank You to Everyone Who Supported Our Plant Fundraiser for Grade 6!
The Plants are HERE!!!!
Christmas Concert Our Band and more will perform at our Christmas Concert at 6:30 on Thursday, December 15th! We will also have an art show in our front entry and halls that evening! Save the date!
HEB is having an 'in house' Art Show: (not a contest), showcasing the talents of our many artists. Art will be displayed during the Christmas concert on December 15 for families to appreciate. The show is open to any HEB artist and for all styles of art. Please see Mrs. Stover to enter a piece, or with any questions.
The Grade 8 classes will be having a bottle drive on Saturday, December 10 to fundraise for their Jasper Ski trip.
The Grade 8 classes will be hosting a bake sale during the Christmas concert. You will be able to purchase whole items of Christmas baking. This fundraising event will go towards their Jasper Ski trip.
6S is selling ice cream floats during the lunch hour on Wed. Nov 30 for our empathy project fundraiser. Floats will cost $2 each. Choose your flavors. Chaperones will visit your class to lead you to the Float Shop.
Huge Thank you to the Bonnyville Pontiacs and Dave Addy Swift Supply! They have donated pairs of pontiac tickets for every game this season to be rewarded to students. We will choose students who show they value Respect, Opportunities and Kindness. Congratulations to Brenna Heffernan. She showed care and concern for someone and we are grateful for the empathy that she showed.
Please don’t block driveways. We have received some phone calls from our local neighbors that some HEB families may be unintentionally blocking nearby driveways at drop off and pick up. It would be so appreciated if we could try to avoid doing this for the safety and convenience of everyone. Thanks!
For your Black Friday Online Shopping please use Flip Give. This is such a simple and easy way to contribute to helping us with fundraising money for things such as band equipment or athletic equipment. Black Friday is coming and we would love for all of you who shop online to download this app. When shopping on Amazon for instance, 4% goes back to our school. Under Armour is even higher! It all adds up and we are grateful. Here is the link. Check it out and thank you for your support! HEB fundraising FlipGive link
teams/163506-he-bourgoin- fundraiser-sub-committee
Grade 5/6 Drama Group ROKs!
These pics and a short video of some clips of the play are posted to our facebook page. For a full version of the play, students can show you it in the Drama group’s Google Classroom!
We hope you enjoy some things you love this weekend…like Diamond Painting! Have a wonderful three day weekend!
Mrs. Casselman
Bear Facts #11
Bear Facts #11
To our Coaches and Staff this Volleyball Season!
H.E.B. Senior Volleyball Teams did not win Wards but we did have a blast at the
Pep Rally!
Parent Teacher Interviews This Thursday!
Report cards will be sent home on Tuesday, November 22, 2022.
November 24 will be Parent Teacher Interview night from 3:50 - 9:20. There will be no school on November 25. The booking program is available on our website online. Families can go to this link and choose a phone or in person interview. Interviews will be in the gym. The Book Fair will be in the Learning Commons! Thank you to our School Council for kindly providing a potluck supper arriving at 3:15 for all staff in the building that night! Our HEB parents ROK!
We are excited to announce our Scholastic Book Fair is here! Students will be able to shop the Book Fair in the Learning Commons with their classes this week, November 21-24. The Book Fair will also be open to shop after school until 4. On Thursday during Parent/Teacher Interviews the Book Fair will be open until 8. You can also shop online until Nov. 28 through our Virtual Book Fair: H.E.B. Virtual Book Fair All purchases will go towards new books for our school, we can’t wait to see you there!
Christmas Concert Our Band and more will perform at our Christmas Concert at 6:30 on Thursday, December 15th! We will also have an art show in our front entry and halls that evening! Save the date!
Here is a link to our School Counselor’s blog:
parents/student-advocacy- counsellor/post/november-2022- healthy-relationships Ms. Angell’s position is currently advertised on Indeed and on the NLPS website via Apply to Education. We wish her all the best at her new position with AHS. Her last day will be November 24, 2022. -
Huge Thank you to the Bonnyville Pontiacs and Dave Addy Swift Supply! They have donated pairs of pontiac tickets for every game this season to be rewarded to students. We will choose students who show they value Respect, Opportunities and Kindness. Congratulations to our Chase Babey! He is kind, respectful and incredibly helpful! Chase was one of our ushers at the Remembrance Day Ceremony and he also exhibited an extreme amount of sportsmanship and positive attitude during the volleyball Wards tournament this past Thursday! We are proud of you Chase! Well done!
Grade 8 Marmot Ski Trip Meeting. There will be a parent meeting to discuss the grade 8 Jasper ski trip in the learning commons on Tuesday, November 22 at 6:00 pm. All grade 8 parents are encouraged to attend this informational/planning meeting.
Please don’t block driveways. We have received some phone calls from our local neighbors that some HEB families may be unintentionally blocking nearby driveways at drop off and pick up. It would be so appreciated if we could try to avoid doing this for the safety and convenience of everyone. Thanks!
Flip Give. This is such a simple and easy way to contribute to helping us with fundraising money for things such as band equipment or athletic equipment. Black Friday is coming and we would love for all of you who shop online to download this app. When shopping on Amazon for instance, 4% goes back to our school. Under Armour is even higher! It all adds up and we are grateful. Here is the link. Check it out and thank you for your support! HEB fundraising FlipGive link
teams/163506-he-bourgoin- fundraiser-sub-committee
Purdys fundraiser:Monday, November 21 is the deadline. November 29 will be delivery. Pick up will be December 7. Here is the link: https://fundraising.purdys.
com/1377491-99860 Code-59876
Our Grades 5 and 6 Junior Volleyball athletes have been registered for this tournament. Thank you to the coaches and parents supporting these kiddos and taking the time that day to compete and have fun with them!
Have a fantastic weekend Bear Families!!!!!
Bear Facts #10
Bear Facts #10
We Remember
Respect, Integrity, Excellence, Empathy
HEB Remembrance Day Ceremony 2022…
Thank you to everyone who joined us for the ceremony on Thursday. We hope everyone has a chance to pause and reflect on those who have served to protect our freedom and those who continue to serve our communities.
Poppies: The Entrepreneurship Class held a marketing competition this past week to raise the most money for the Veterans through poppy donations! Poppy sales raised $137 for veterans!
Report cards will be sent home on Tuesday, November 22, 2022.
November 24 will be Parent Teacher Interview night from 3:50 - 9:20. There will be no school on November 25. The booking program will be available online this week by Thursday on our website for parents to go online and choose a phone or in person interview. Interviews will be in the gym. The Book Fair will be in the Learning Commons! Thank you to our School Council for kindly providing a potluck supper arriving at 3:15 for all staff in the building that night! Our HEB parents ROK!
Christmas Concert Our Band and more will perform at our Christmas Concert at 6:30 on Thursday, December 15th! We will also have an art show in our front entry and halls that evening! Save the date!
Here is a link to our School Counselor’s blog:
parents/student-advocacy- counsellor/post/november-2022- healthy-relationships Ms. Angell’s position is currently advertised on Indeed and on the NLPS website via Apply to Education. We wish her all the best at her new position with AHS. Her last day will be November 24, 2022.
Huge Thank you to the Bonnyville Pontiacs and Dave Addy Swift Supply! They have donated pairs of pontiac tickets for every game this season to be rewarded to students. We will choose students who show they value Respect, Opportunities and Kindness. Congrats to this week’s recipient Phoenix Baker!! Phoenix is a very respectful student! He was nominated for the kindness he shows to classmates! Way to go!
Grade 8 Marmot Ski Trip Meeting. There will be a parent meeting to discuss the grade 8 Jasper ski trip in the learning commons on Tuesday, November 22 at 6:00 pm. All grade 8 parents are encouraged to attend this informational/planning meeting.
Flip Give. This is such a simple and easy way to contribute to helping us with fundraising money for things such as band equipment or athletic equipment. Black Friday is coming and we would love for all of you who shop online to download this app. When shopping on Amazon for instance, 4% goes back to our school. Under Armour is even higher! It all adds up and we are grateful. Here is the link. Check it out and thank you for your support! HEB fundraising FlipGive link
teams/163506-he-bourgoin- fundraiser-sub-committee
Purdys fundraiser is up and running! November 21 will be the deadline. November 29 will be delivery. Pick up will be December 7. Here is the link: https://fundraising.purdys.
com/1377491-99860 Code-59876 -
HEB Bear Clubs and Recesses in the Learning Commons. Did you know that some recesses students can choose to go to the Learning Commons? Did you know that everyday after school we provide a space for students to gather in Bear Clubs with each other until 4:20? Thank you Mrs. Eide for all you do to supervise these spaces! An all new Rubix Cube Bear Club will be starting on Tuesdays after school and a Cheerleading Bear Club is also being started with some adventurous student leaders in our school! Well done Bears!
There will be an Emergency Test Alert. On Wednesday, November 16, 2022 at 1:55 p.m., AEA will send out a test to Albertans. During the test, an alert will sound on compatible devices, with a message letting the user know that the sound is part of a test, and that there is no need for concern. As this test alert will take place during the school day, I encourage you to ensure your schools are made aware and, where possible, that they use this as an opportunity to test our readiness to respond to disruptions. Attached is a suggested activity guide to use in your classrooms. Schools could consider practicing one of their mandatory drills when the alert is issued. In addition, they could send students home with preparedness materials to encourage a conversation with their families about what they can do to be prepared. Visit
community for resources on how to be better prepared for emergencies. -
Last Monday we thanked our bus drivers! It was our pleasure to welcome in the incredible bus drivers who serve our families each and every day. HUGE thank you to our HEB Fundraising Foundation President Sarah Severn for joining us and bringing gift cards to treat them for the hard work they do!
Here we go!!!
Senior Bears Get Ready for Volleyball Wards on Thursday!
We have a pep rally planned for 2:00 pm on Thursday, November 17!!!
The senior girls’ HEB Blue team will represent HEB in Wards after school at Dr. B on Thursday, November 17, 2022.
The senior boys’ Blue and White teams will combine and will play at HEB that Thursday as one team! (Due to recent large numbers of student illness on our boys’ teams we have combined the teams to make a new competitive team to go to Wards).
We want to congratulate all of our senior athletes for having such a successful season and shout out a huge thank you to our coaches for all the time they devoted to our young athletes!
At HEB our pillar words are Integrity, Respect, Empathy and Excellence. We have worked hard at instilling excellent work ethic in our athletes and we are enthusiastic about sending the most successful team of students to Wards. Throughout the volleyball season, we practice a fair play process with teams where all students are able to be part of teams and have ample, often equal amounts of play time. Tournaments, Wards and Districts however is our time to play our most skilled team of athletes. During Tournament, Wards and Districts we don’t necessarily give students equal play time. We want to be transparent about that with everyone ahead of time and we have met with all senior volleyball players that were in the building the last couple of days. The students agree with the more competitive process for Wards and Districts and are excited for the pep rally and for HEB to play in Wards this week! This is our time for coaches to make the best decisions possible and put our best 6 athletes on the floor at that moment to compete. Parents please know that students need to expect that at Wards one student may get an abundance of play time over another (especially with so many of our athletes feeling under the weather). Some students may be on the bench cheering and encouraging their teammates for the majority of time in these two events. At HEB, we recognize that we have some of the most incredible athletes in our community. Wards and Districts is their time to shine and showcase the highest level of skills that walk through our HEB Middle School halls. We have spoken to our students going to Wards and they understand and agree with this decision and are super excited to represent and play hard wearing our HEB jerseys! -Mrs. Casselman
Bear Facts #9
Bear Facts #9
Thank you to all of our family members who volunteer their time to help with the School Council and Foundation (next meeting this Wednesday), and who coach, take teams for blizzards, help with the breakfast program, support our fundraisers, help students with spirit days and more! You are appreciated!
School Council and Foundation Meeting Wednesday, November 9th at 6:00 in the Learning Commons.
Road to a Snow Day - Please read for info now that cold winter weather is here!
Remembrance Day Service We will have a service to honor those who have served or continue to serve to protect our freedom on Thursday November 10, 2022. As a show of respect, we kindly ask that all stakeholders except for those who currently serve, remove hats or headgear during this service. Students will leave them in their classrooms for this assembly. Please talk with your children about this and how this will be a showing of our community spirit and integrity. The service will start at 10:40 on Thursday in the gym. The band will be performing. We expect the service to last about 30 min. Family members are welcome to attend. Students are encouraged to dress in black or more formal attire and please have them wear a poppy if they have one. Click here if you would like to view a Remembrance Day message from the NLPS school board. Teachers will be showing this to students in classrooms on the 10th.
Poppies: The Entrepreneurship Class is holding a marketing competition this coming week to raise the most money for the Veterans through poppy donations! Students have the choice to drop their poppy money in a red box at the office for any of the poppy marketing companies. Students are encouraged to buy a poppy from the company who’s advertising they like best. Get your poppy early and before November 10th!
Christmas Concert Our Band and more will perform at our Christmas Concert at 6:30 on Thursday, December 15th! Save the date!
Huge Thank you to the Bonnyville Pontiacs and Dave Addy Swift Supply! They have donated pairs of pontiac tickets for every game this season to be rewarded to students. We will choose students who show they value Respect, Opportunities and Kindness. Congrats to this week’s recipient Chace Jacob!! Our staff reports that Chace is a bear that walks with integrity in our halls. He was nominated for encouraging others and showing empathy when a classmate needed help by saying “good job, keep going, you can do it” and being very encouraging when a friend needed it most. Well done Chace!
We wish to share at this time that Ms. Angell our school counselor will be leaving the Bear Den. She has accepted a mental health therapist position with AHS that is a "next step" for her career and is also closer to home affording her a lot more time for family and a lot less time on icy roads. She wanted us to express to our HEB families that she values and appreciates the past five years she spent at HEB and is grateful for the experiences, friendships, and collaborative relationships that she has built over the years. We have posted the position and are looking for a successful candidate in the coming weeks. Her last day will be November 24th. We will work hard to make this transition as smooth as possible for our students. Please feel free to reach out to Ms. Angell in the next few weeks if you have any concerns about this transition for your child. We wish her all the best!
Please ensure you are entering your attendance prior to departing to ROK Sports. Also, send a screenshot of your attendance to Beth, Tracy and myself BY EMAIL so we know who is offsite in case of emergency.
Grade 5 & 6 ROK Sports curling forms went home this week and 6S will be joining for the first 2 weeks. Teachers please collect all forms and then scan them and email to Beth once you have your class set.
The plan is to have bussing moving forward for swimming and curling transportation since the winter weather is now here. Dates for November have been confirmed for transport to these events. Soccer and hockey will also be able to take the swimming bus on Thursdays for the month of November. The bus will depart HEB at 8:45 am.
To support many of our initiatives, our School Council has organized a Flip Give fundraiser. Here is the link. Check it out and thank you for your support! HEB fundraising FlipGive link
teams/163506-he-bourgoin- fundraiser-sub-committee
Grade 6 Winter Fundraiser (Growing Smiles).
It's hard to believe that Christmas is only several weeks away. This is a friendly reminder that our Growing Smiles Winter Fundraiser orders need to be placed by Nov. 9 and pick-up will be November 24th during Parent-Teacher Interviews. These beautiful winter floral arrangements make a wonderful addition to your holiday decor, as well as gifts for family and friends.
You can order online using the link provided.
Enjoy the feeling of an extra hour to sleep in as we change our clocks on Sunday, November 6th this weekend!
Bear Facts #8
Bear Facts #8 - October 28, 2022
Halloween Fun Planned for this Monday!!!
Thank you to the parents and family members who donated items and who came to assemble the treat bags for every student at HEB! Our students will LOVE these treats on Monday!
Halloween Festivities! There will be a dance in the gym in blocks 1 and 2 for Grade 5, blocks 3 and 4 for Grade 6, blocks 5 and 6 for Grade 7, and blocks 7 and 8 will be for our Grade 8s to enjoy loud music and friendship! We will have a concession open for the kids to buy snacks or a drink at this time and will also have a quieter space open near the concession for kiddos who may want a quieter space. Proceeds from concession will go towards ROK Sports and Wellness. We will be selling glow sticks for a fundraiser. The glow sticks will be $2 and $3. We are looking forward to seeing all the joy this will bring our students!
Christmas Concert Our Band and more will perform at our Christmas Concert at 6:30 on Thursday, December 15th! Save the date!
Huge Thank you to the Bonnyville Pontiac and Dave Addy Swift Supply! They have donated pairs of pontiac tickets for every game this season to be rewarded to students. We will choose students who show they value Respect, Opportunities and Kindness. Congrats to this week’s recipients Kaden Lisoway and Austin Unrau!!! You two are respectful bears who walk with integrity and we are so very proud of you! Enjoy the games! Go Pontiacs!
To support many of our initiatives, our School Council has organized a Flip Give fundraiser. Here is the link. Check it out and thank you for your support! HEB fundraising FlipGive link
teams/163506-he-bourgoin- fundraiser-sub-committee -
As you prepare for Halloween, please keep in mind that masks can only be worn during the parade component of the afternoon; we do need to identify your child and visitors in the school at all times. NO weapons such as arrows, spears, toy guns, plastic knives, etc. are allowed. We also cannot have liquid “blood” in accessories because it can cause permanent stains on clothing and rugs. Costumes can be worn throughout the day by both students and staff. Students may come to school dressed in their costumes. Thank you in advance for your cooperation!
Grade 6 Winter Fundraiser (Growing Smiles). Our fundraiser officially begins Tuesday and runs until Wednesday, November 9. Pick up will be during parent-teacher interviews on Thursday, November 24th. Parents are encouraged to order online, as credit cards are accepted. If parents choose to pay by cheque, please make it payable to H. E. Bourgoin. Here is the link. Thank you!!!
PURDY'S FUNDRAISER - Thank you to our HEB Parent Fundraising Group for organizing this fundraiser to help support students at our school!
Purdy's Chocolate Online Fundraiser Code-59876
November 21 is the deadline to order.
November 29 they will be delivered to the school.
Pick up will be December 7
Students helping build stools for the new Foods room
Thank you to Mrs. Woods for covering in Mr. Godziuk's absence over the past few weeks. Mrs. Randelle Scott will be continuing as homeroom teacher for 7G over the next month and will also be teaching 7O math and science during this time.
Significant Upcoming Dates
Halloween Dance - Oct 31
Remembrance Day Ceremony - Nov 10
Parent Teacher Interviews November 24, 3:50-9:20
We hope you enjoy bundles of sunshine this weekend! We can’t wait to see the costumes. If you are bringing in treats to your child’s class please help us to be peanut and kiwi free.
Bear Facts #7
Bear Facts #7 - October 21, 2022
H.E.B. Empathy
Students in Grade 5 and 6 presented their ideas for Empathy Projects in an assembly today.
Thank you to all of you who have shown kindness to our Bears this past week. We send Bear hugs to the Godziuk family.
We want to thank Mrs. Woods who will be teaching in Mr. Godziuk’s class until he returns.
Walk for Wenje
HEB Halloween Goodie Bags Donations Welcome! If you wish to donate a bag of Halloween goodies to be made into goodie bags, please bring them to the school before Wednesday, October 26th Our School Council is kindly collecting peanut free bagged, wrapped candy or bags of chips and or halloween toy donations (such as pencils, spooky plastic rings etc). A wonderful group of parent volunteers will gather to sort all the donations into goody bags that will be handed out to all students on October 31st! The candy donations can be brought to the office. We will pile them in the back room there until the parents are ready to make the bags. In the past our parents have been so generous with donating these goodie bag treats. We really appreciate it! Thanks so much for your donations!
Halloween Festivities! There will be a dance in the gym in blocks 1 and 2 for Grade 5, blocks 3 and 4 for Grade 6, blocks 5 and 6 for Grade 7, and blocks 7 and 8 will be for our Grade 8s to enjoy loud music and friendship! We will have a concession open for the kids to buy snacks or a drink at this time and will also have a quieter space open near the concession for kiddos who may want a quieter space. Proceeds from concession will go towards ROK Sports and Wellness. We are looking forward to seeing all the joy this will bring our students!
Christmas Concert Our Band and more will perform at our Christmas Concert at 6:30 on Thursday, December 15th! Save the date!
Huge Thank you to the Bonnyville Pontiac and Dave Addy Swift Supply! They have donated pairs of pontiac tickets for every game this season to be rewarded to students. We will choose students who show they value Respect, Opportunities and Kindness. Congrats to this week’s recipient Taryn Mack. Taryn always finds ways to be thankful. She always shows empathy. Taryn was so excited to win the tickets it melted our hearts. She is a model of HEB joy! Congratulations Taryn!
To support many of our initiatives, our School Council has organized a Flip Give fundraiser. Here is the link. Check it out and thank you for your support! HEB fundraising FlipGive link
teams/163506-he-bourgoin- fundraiser-sub-committee -
As you prepare for Halloween, please keep in mind that masks can only be worn during the parade component of the afternoon; we do need to identify your child and visitors in the school at all times. NO weapons such as arrows, spears, toy guns, plastic knives, etc. are allowed. We also cannot have liquid “blood” in accessories because it can cause permanent stains on clothing and rugs. Costumes can be worn throughout the day by both students and staff. Students may come to school dressed in their costumes. Thank you in advance for your cooperation!
There will be no school for students on October 24, 2022.
Grade 6 Winter Fundraiser (Growing Smiles). Our fundraiser officially begins Tuesday and runs until Wednesday, November 9. Pick up will be during parent-teacher interviews on Thursday, November 24th. Parents are encouraged to order online, as credit cards are accepted. If parents choose to pay by cheque, please make it payable to H. E. Bourgoin. Here is the link. Thank you!!!
The senior girls’ Blue team won their game last night against EBL!
The girls’ White team won two sets against Dr B.
BOTH senior boys’ teams won against ecole des beaux lac and Dr B last night!
Wowwwwwww! Way to go to all of our athletes who are giving excellent effort every day. You ROK!
We hope you all find some rest and a warm mug with a warm drink this weekend!
Bear Facts #6
Bear Facts #6 - October 16, 2022
Thank You to all of the Incredible Parents and Staff Who Are Coaching Volleyball this Year! Senior girls: Julie Bellamy - Ava gr 8J Marcy Bordeleau - Hailey gr 7 Kimi Blain - Abbie Gr 7 Candy Cumby - Mya Gr 7 Melissa Jacob
Senior boys Lana Ference - Max gr 7G Jen Costley and Bev Cameron (grandma) - Owen gr 8J
Junior boys: Greg Severn - Grayson gr 6 Livia Moir - Declan gr 5
Junior girls: Gianne Stover Jodi Parmar - Charlie gr 5
Wendy McInnes - helping with reffing etc. It really does take a whole village! We appreciate all of you! You all R.O.K! |
Congratulations to Our HEB Entrepreneurship Class For Raising Money for The Canadian Cancer Society!
Band Performances on the Horizon!
The HEB Remembrance Day Ceremony will be held at 10:30 on November 10th. Our community is welcome to attend as we show respect to those who serve and who have served in the past. School is closed on November 11th.
HEB Halloween Goodie Bags Donations Welcome! Our School Council is kindly collecting peanut free bagged, wrapped candy or bags of chips and or halloween toy donations (such as pencils, spooky plastic rings etc). A wonderful group of parent volunteers will gather to sort all the donations into goody bags that will be handed out to all students on October 31st! The candy donations can be brought to the office. We will pile them in the back room there until the parents are ready to make the bags. In the past our parents have been so generous with donating these goodie bag treats. We really appreciate it! Thanks so much for your donations!
Halloween Festivities! We are in the planning stages of some super Halloween FUN! More info to come but there will be a dance in blocks 1 and 2 for Grade 5, blocks 3 and 4 for Grade 6, blocks 5 and 6 for Grade 7, and blocks 7 and 8 will be for our Grade 8s to enjoy loud music and friendship! We welcome parents who would like to dress up and come and dance with the students at this time (if they let you!) and we will also have a concession open for the kids to buy snacks or a drink at this time and will also have a quieter space open near the concession for kiddos who may want a quieter space. Proceeds from concession will go towards ROK Sports and Wellness. We are looking forward to seeing all the joy this will bring our students!
Halloween Activities with Grade 8s! In the past our grade 8s held a carnival in the gym. Instead these leaders and their homeroom teachers in our school may choose to help with the Leadership 1 and Leadership 2 spaces and Learning Commons with games for classrooms that sign up. Some classrooms may be having movies or shared lunches that day. More info will come from your classroom teacher in the coming weeks. But please do know that in true Bear style the day will be a BLAST for our students and staff!
Christmas Concert Our Band and more will perform at our Christmas Concert at 6:30 on Thursday, December 15th! Save the date!
Have you met our School Counselor Ms. Angell? We are grateful to have her on our team! Check out her blog in this link!
parents/student-advocacy- counsellor/post/october-2022- positive-mindset
Mom's Pantry fundraiser is running until October 20th. We LOVE the butter croissants! You can take them out the night before on cookie sheets and wake up and bake them for breakfast! Mmmmmmm! Paper copies were sent home last week with all students and the online option is also available through the link below! All proceeds will go to costs for ROK Sports and Wellness transportation during winter months or to locations that are not within walking distance. We appreciate your support with this fundraiser! Online ordering, easier than ever Mom's Pantry Order Link:
1.) Add items to your cart
2.) On checkout, enter the Order Number and Group Passcode below, along with the Seller's Name.
3.) Complete Payment
Group Name: H.E. Bourgoin Middle School
Order Number: 359451
Group Passcode: 33446
Huge Thank you to the Bonnyville Pontiac and Dave Addy Swift Supply! They have donated pairs of pontiac tickets for every game this season to be rewarded to students. We will choose students who show they value Respect, Opportunities and Kindness. Congrats to this week’s recipient Corbin Dixon. Corbin always finds ways to be thankful. He is kind to others and shows empathy! Way to go Corbin!
POSITIVE MINDSET CONTEST Each month NLPS is offering students, staff and families the opportunity to share their own stories related to our theme on our Engage NLPS website. You can write us a story or poem, make a video, draw or paint a picture, or tell your story in whatever other creative way you can think of. Everyone who shares a story will be entered into a monthly draw for a prize, may have their story featured in our Wellness Showcase in May, and will be eligible for our year-end grand prize. Staff or students who submit stories will also earn entries for their school. At the end of the year, one of our schools will also win a prize for their whole school! NLPS will be sharing more ways to win on Facebook and Instagram.
We want to thank Furniture Galaxy for supporting our Bears' cooking program with a great deal on a new fridge for our brand new kitchen and free delivery to help us set it up. Thanks to Teegan and the crew! HEB appreciates all the local businesses that support us! |
To support many of our initiatives, our School Council has organized a Flip Give fundraiser. Here is the link. Check it out and thank you for your support! HEB fundraising FlipGive link
teams/163506-he-bourgoin- fundraiser-sub-committee -
As you prepare for Halloween, please keep in mind that masks can only be worn during the parade component of the afternoon; we do need to identify your child and visitors in the school at all times. NO weapons such as arrows, spears, toy guns, plastic knives, etc. are allowed. We also cannot have liquid “blood” in accessories because it can cause permanent stains on clothing and rugs. Costumes can be worn throughout the day by both students and staff. Students may come to school dressed in their costumes. Thank you in advance for your cooperation!
There will be no school for students on October 24, 2022.
H. E. Bourgoin Middle School Attendance Philosophy: Staff members at H. E. Bourgoin Middle School require that students attend school every day in order for the students to achieve at their potential. Because student attendance is a priority, the staff will carefully monitor attendance and hold students and parents accountable for good attendance. Therefore, every student registered at H. E. Bourgoin Middle School shall be required to attend school regularly and report to classes at the specified time in order to maintain a satisfactory level of achievement. Attendance is taken in the morning at the start of the school day (8:45 a.m.) and in the afternoon at the start of period five (12:25 p.m.) Students are expected to cooperate fully by being on time for registration.
Absences: Parents/guardians or parent representatives are asked to phone the school office between 8:30 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. to inform the school that their child will be late or absent for all or part of the day. If this information is not received by 9:00 a.m., the student’s absence will be recorded as an unexcused absence.
HEB values our relationship with Bear Families tremendously. We welcome your voice in our office should you need help or have any questions. At HEB we make every reasonable effort at the school level to resolve disputes or concerns cooperatively and collaboratively with parents. Here is an excerpt from AP 143 Dispute Resolution Process for Parents as a reminder of the process “If there is a disagreement between parents and the school with a decision related to the child’s educational programming, the first step is for the parent to talk to the teacher to try to resolve the concern. If the parent and the teacher are unable to resolve the issue, the next step is for the parent to talk to the school principal and/or assistant principal. Together with the teacher and school administration, most issues that affect a student’s educational programming should be resolved at the school level. Should the teacher and school administration not be able to resolve the concern with the parent, either party may refer the issue to the appropriate staff member at Division Office.
Happy Sunday Bear Families!
Bear Facts #5
Bear Facts #5 - October 7, 2022
Community Helper Training was a Blast Thursday!
Congrats to our Cross-Country Run Team!
We would like to send out a huge HEB congratulations to ALL athletes that took part in the LSAA Cross-Country Race that was held in Cold Lake this past Wednesday. We were very proud of all the athletes and received commendations from other schools about our positive behaviors and attitudes while at the competition. Gabrielle Cumby demonstrated great sportsmanship at the event and was nominated for an LSAA sportsmanship award. We would like to send out a special congratulations to our winning bears: Max Ference who won first place and Dextyn Vasseur who placed second place in the Boys Junior division as well as Cooper Ference who won first place in the Boys Tyro division. As a team, we also won the 2022 district plaque for Junior Boys! Way to go all bears!
Thank you to everyone who helped with the pancake breakfast and Terry Fox run last Monday!
We WELCOME you to our next School Council Meeting on Wednesday Oct 12 at 6:00 in the Learning Commons.
Mom's Pantry fundraiser is running until October 20th. Paper copies were sent home this week with all students and the online option is also available through the link below! All proceeds will go to costs for ROK Sports and Wellness transportation during winter months or to locations that are not within walking distance. We appreciate your support with this fundraiser! Online ordering, easier than ever Mom's Pantry Order Link:
1.) Add items to your cart
2.) On checkout, enter the Order Number and Group Passcode below, along with the Seller's Name.
3.) Complete Payment
Group Name: H.E. Bourgoin Middle School
Order Number: 359451
Group Passcode: 33446
Huge Thank you to the Bonnyville Pontiac and Dave Addy Swift Supply! They have donated pairs of pontiac tickets for every game this season to be rewarded to students. We will choose students who show they value Respect, Opportunities and Kindness. We will be watching for students these coming weeks who show empathy to others. Our first recipient is Gabrielle Cumby for the kindness she showed to a friend during the Cross Country Run in Cold Lake! Way to go Gabrielle! You ROK!
Permission forms MUST be returned by the day before an event. This means that we will not accept forms for the Terry Fox event on Monday. Forms have already been scanned in and we really want to be consistent with this this year as it creates an enormous amount of work for our admin assistants when parents or students ask for or bring in late forms. Any students who do not already have the Terry Fox form in will not leave school property and will just walk around the back playground area until the rest of the school returns.
POSITIVE MINDSET CONTEST Each month NLPS is offering students, staff and families the opportunity to share their own stories related to our theme on our Engage NLPS website. You can write us a story or poem, make a video, draw or paint a picture, or tell your story in whatever other creative way you can think of. Everyone who shares a story will be entered into a monthly draw for a prize, may have their story featured in our Wellness Showcase in May, and will be eligible for our year-end grand prize. Staff or students who submit stories will also earn entries for their school. At the end of the year, one of our schools will also win a prize for their whole school! NLPS will be sharing more ways to win on Facebook and Instagram.
To support many of our initiatives, our School Council has organized a Flip Give fundraiser. Here is the link. Check it out and thank you for your support! HEB fundraising FlipGive link
teams/163506-he-bourgoin- fundraiser-sub-committee -
As you prepare for Halloween, please keep in mind that masks can only be worn during the parade component of the afternoon; we do need to identify your child and visitors in the school at all times. NO weapons such as arrows, spears, toy guns, plastic knives, etc. are allowed. We also cannot have liquid “blood” in accessories because it can cause permanent stains on clothing and rugs. Costumes can be worn throughout the day by both students and staff. Students may come to school dressed in their costumes. Thank you in advance for your cooperation!
Volleyball Practice/Games October 10-13
Monday 10 |
Tuesday 11 |
Wednesday 12 |
Thursday 13 |
No School No Practice |
*Senior Boys White away IR* (from Oct 6) Junior girls practice: 3:30-4:30 Senior boys blue practice: 4:30-6:00 |
Junior boys vs. DBR HM (from Oct.3) Senior girls practice: 4:30-6:00 |
Senior Boys White & Blue HM Senior Girls White & Blue HM Senior Girls BL away DRB black |
Volleyball Practice/Games October 17-20
Monday 17 |
Tuesday 18 |
Wednesday 19 |
Thursday 20 |
Junior Girls blue away Iron River Junior Girls Black vs. DRB red HM Junior Boys away Ardmore |
Junior boys practice: 3:30-4:30 Senior boys practice: 4:30-6:00 |
Junior girls practice: 3:30-4:30 Senior girls practice: 4:30-6:00 |
Senior boys blue vs. IR: HM Senior Boys White away EBL Senior Girls Blue and Black HM Senior Girls White away EBL |
Volleyball Practice/Games October 24-28
Monday 24 |
Tuesday 25 |
Wednesday 26 |
Thursday 27 |
Friday 28/29 |
No School No Practice |
Junior boys practice: 3:30-4:30 Senior boys practice: 4:30-6:00 |
Junior girls practice: 3:30-4:30 Senior girls practice: 4:30-6:00 |
Senior Boys Blue vs. DRB HM Senior Boys White away ARD Senior Girls Blue vs. DRB black HM Senior Girls White away DBR Red Senior Girls black away EBL |
Senior Boys Blue & White Senior Girls Blue & White Halloween Tournament Glendon GET TIMES |
Bear Facts #3
Bear Facts #3 - September 23, 2022
Thank you to everyone who supported us at the Colour Run! We raised $642 for the Bonnyville SPCA! Check out our video we posted on Facebook last Thursday!
Thank you to all of the staff, volunteers and community members for making the 2022 Community of Hope Colour Run such a success! Without your support and the support of our sponsors and community volunteers, the event would not have been possible. Special thanks to Lakeland Coop and The Bonnyville Friendship Center for donating water to the event, and to the school parent council for serving the ice cream! Thank you to the Northern Lights SFSK ladies for doing an art activity with families and to Marvelous Minis for the delicious donuts! We want to shout out another great big thank you to both Hot 101.3 and Lakeland connect for getting the word out about the event and to Jena at Lakeland Connect for coming out to do a promotional video for us at the event itself. Thank you to the Baptist church for the games in the basketball court and to the H.E.Bourgoin Community Helpers for being our student leaders who threw colour and helped get setup. We appreciate the Bonnyville Fire Department for getting the students and their families ready to run by spraying water and to the RCMP for participating and being such a great and colourful addition to the event. Lastly, thank you to Blue Wave Energy, Canadian Fabrication and Bonnyville Sobey's for donating the BBQ, burgers, buns, and all the fixings for our burgers to help support the Bonnyville SPCA. This community is amazing and this event was a success because of all of you and our amazing families!
If you are grocery shopping this weekend on Saturday Ms. Chick’s 8C class will be collecting donations for the food bank at Sobey’s parking lot in Bonnyville from 10:00 to 3:00pm. This is their class empathy project! Thank you for supporting them!
To support many of our initiatives, our School Council has organized a Flip Give fundraiser. Here is the link. Check it out and thank you for your support! HEB fundraising FlipGive link
teams/163506-he-bourgoin- fundraiser-sub-committee -
Terry Fox Event will be Monday, October 3, 2022.
School Picture Day will be October 4th. Retake Day will be November 4th.
Congratulations to all of our Mountain Bike Race participants! We are so proud of this team and how well we did at the race! Ms. Jacob said it was a great group and they had so much fun! Way to go Bears!
Volleyball Schedule this week:
junior girls practice: 3:30-4:30
Senior girls practice: 4:30-6:00
Tues: junior boys practice 3:30-4:30
Senior boys practice: 4:30-6:00
Wed: junior girls practice 3:30-4:30
Senior girls practice: 4:30-6:00
Thursday all senior teams games! No junior practice
Thanks to all of our new coaches who signed up! We are thrilled to have you join our HEB team!
Enjoy the weekend bears!!!
Bear Facts #2
Bear Facts #2 - September 18, 2022
See you at the Colour Run on Thursday 4:00-5:30pm
We can’t wait for Thursday! At the Colour run, students are asked to wear a light coloured t-shirt and clothing they don’t mind getting messy. Students run a course around the back playground that starts off with the Bonnyville Fire Department hosing them off with water. As they run the track, booths that are sponsored by local businesses throw powdered color onto the students. It is great messy fun and a wonderful event with food, music, games and more. Come and meet our staff. We will even have the mini donuts on site if you want to purchase a bag of donuts. We are most proud that we are inviting the SPCA on site to sell burgers for $3 to raise money for the Bonnyville SPCA. So many local businesses have donated for this event! Please watch for a facebook video the following weekend thanking all of them for their support! If you know of a business that wants to sponsor a color, please give our school a call. Proceeds from sponsoring the colors will go to the ROK Sports and Wellness initiative at HEB. We thank you and we are grateful!
H.E. Bourgoin Middle School invites you to participate in our Community of Hope Colour Run! Come out and meet the staff and have some fun! The event will be held at the HEB back playground on Thursday, September 22 from 4:00 - 5:30 pm. If you are interested in volunteering, donating, or sponsoring this event, please contact Lynzey Brodziak through email at or by phone at 780-826-3323. The business sponsorship fee is $200 for a table or to run a colour station or free for non-profit organizations. If you have any other questions please reach out!
There will be some Colour Run t-shirt packages available for purchase throughout the week. If your child wants to purchase an official t-shirt for the event, we will see them for $10 cash. Students and families can also just run the event in a plain t-shirt too. SO MUCH FUN!
Thank you to all parents who attended our first School Council meeting of the year! It was a great turnout! We are looking forward to seeing you at the Colour Run to meet many of them. Our School Council has arranged for HEB parent volunteers to serve the FREE ice cream for the event! See you there!
To support many of our initiatives, our School Council has organized a Flip Give fundraiser. Here is the link. Check it out and thank you for your support! HEB fundraising FlipGive link
teams/163506-he-bourgoin- fundraiser-sub-committee -
Concession will be open for students during lunch times starting on Tuesday this week.
Terry Fox Event will be Monday, October 3, 2022.
Did you know that we serve a healthy Apple Schools aligned breakfast every morning to all students who would like it? Monday through Thursday we will offer cereal, milk and a piece of fruit. Fridays will be Parfait Friday! Thank you to the staff and parent volunteers who make this all possible!
Good luck to our 23 HEB participants going to the LSAA Mountain Bike Race on Thursday!
Enjoy this fall weather and the fresh air Bears!
Bear Facts #1
Bear Facts #1 - September 9, 2022
Welcome Back Everyone! This Bear Facts newsletter will be distributed on Sundays this year to families and staff.
You may have already heard that our Mrs. Blain is moving on from the Bear Den. We wish her all the best at her new job and we will miss her as our school secretary but we know she will still visit often! We welcome Mrs. Beth Anderson as our Admin Assistant in the HEB office.
There will be a School Council meeting in our Learning Commons on Wednesday, September 14th at 6:00 pm. We would love to have you join this incredible crew!
There is an updated School Messenger Parent Guide. You can find it on website here:
download/398005 -
Students and staff are so excited for our ROK Sports and Wellness program to begin! HEB students completed Google Forms this week regarding their ROK sports selections in Grades 7 and 8. Please discuss these choices if you have a child in these grades. ROK sports should be starting up this week for our Grade 7 and 8 students and the following week for Grades 5 and 6.
Did you know H.E.Bourgoin is an Apple School?
We are making some positive shifts this year in order to provide nutrition and wellness to students. Stay tuned for more information! We welcome volunteers for our breakfast program. If you are interested in volunteering please let us know. Early this week we will be sending home paper copies of our volunteer forms.
Staff is in the process of planning for our Terry Fox Walk/Run. We will likely plan for the beginning week of October to do this run. We hope you can join us!
Families and staff please have a discussion with students about their technology use agreement. Students who look up inappropriate information are immediately flagged and Admin gets an email as to what they are searching. We want our students to walk with integrity both online and in person so please help us to set up success with technology norms this year.
We are pleased to let you know that our students in grades 5-8 should be able to have 1:1 chromebooks this year. New chromebooks are arriving as we speak to increase our numbers of chromebooks at HEB. If your student would like to use their own chromebook, they can certainly still do that.
Welcome Back Color Run is set for September 22, 2022. Local businesses are welcome to set up a booth at our run for a donation fee that will be put into our ROK Sports and Wellness Program. If you are interested in setting up a booth at this event please contact our Assistant Principal Mrs. Nicole Yadlowsky by email at
We will have many opportunities for parents to volunteer at the color run! If you would like to volunteer, please complete the necessary paperwork coming home this week with your child. We will be serving FREE ice cream cones and will need parents to help serve that. If you are avail to help with icecream or other volunteer opportunities at the Color Run please contact our School Council chairperson Sarah K Chileen
You will have noticed that we have changed our first recess break for our Grade 7 and 8 students to be an indoor break. During the first recess our older students have a nutrition break and then can remain in their classrooms to socialize with peers or go to the gym to shoot hoops. Students who require a quieter break can go to the library to read. We have receive positive feedback from both students and staff about this. Prior to the pandemic, HEB only had two recesses for all students and most middle schools have gone back to only having two or one break daily for students in NLPS. We are proud that our staff team continues to make wellness a priority for our students by offering three scheduled breaks. I am sure that our 5 and 6 students are loving having the playground to themselves to run and play the first break as well.
You also may have noticed that our lunch was shortened a bit. Students and staff found that the lunch eating and recess times were a bit long and students would benefit from decreasing these times. It has been very successful so far having a shortened lunch and eating time. We also are ensuring that once concession is open, we will provide healthy items that won’t require long line ups due to heating things up.
We are also looking into re-establishing our Milk Club program.
Concession will not be open this week as our staff is still planning and ordering new items.
Concession and hot lunch should be up and running by the third week of school. Thank you for your patience with this.
Have an extraordinary weekend Bears! Please be sure to check out our videos we post on our HEB facebook page weekly to let you know about all the great events happening at HEB!