Spring Purdys Fundraiser

Our Purdys Fundraiser begins....NOW! Check out the Spring Catalogue Spring Purdys 2025
Our winter fundraiser raised $830.31!
This Spring, our goal is to raise over $1000.00 so we need your help—but don’t worry, all the work you're doing is choosing which chocolates to order.
Stock up on beautiful Spring gift boxes, classic Purdys Favourites, Himalayan Pink Salt Caramels, Sweet Georgia Browns and so much more. All profits will go directly to The HEB Fundraising Foundation to be used on your Bears! So, satisfy those cravings and get all your Spring gift-shopping done while supporting a great cause.
Orders are due by Tuesday, March 25th.
To Order:
- Go to our fundraising website: https://fundraising.purdys.com/965709-128359
- Enter our campaign number: 59876
- Click “Join Campaign”
- Shop, shop, shop away!
Once orders close, we'll send out a sweet notification letting you know when and where you can collect your delicious treats. Thank you for your support! YOU ROK!