November 2022 - Restorative Practices

Thank you to all of our families who have been supporting students to practice and understand the HEB pillar words- Empathy, Excellence, Respect, and Integrity. We love hearing about the things you do at home to support what your child is learning at school.
Last week, our grade 7/8 classes got to present their empathy projects at the assembly like the 5/6 classes did last month and it was a blast. Community Helpers training is now complete and was a success-we are so proud of our newly certified leaders at school in grades 7 and 8. We have received incredible feedback about how HEB students stand out at events like the community helpers retreat, and Glendon volleyball tournament, for their kindness, empathy, and respect. Great job Bears!
This month we are highlighting our commitment to restorative practices in the way we work with kids, families, and the rest of our community. Myself and Mrs. Yadlowsky presented at our division-wide PD day "Ignite" recently on restorative circles and how to use them to foster empathy, mutual respect, and reparation of strained relationships in school.
Here is a short clip explaining a bit about what that looks like for schools- What is Restorative Practice in Schools?
If you or your family would like more information on restorative practices, please reach out to us, or check out this resource on restorative practices at home.
Some great community news- Bonnyville and District Daycare and Bonnyville Youth Club Have Merged to Form THE OHANA CENTRE. Check out their website to see all of the programming they offer for families and youth- The Ohana Centre
Last, I would like to share that this is my final month with HEB, as I have accepted a new position in Cold Lake as a mental health therapist. I will truly miss all the students, parents, and staff from the HEB family and am grateful for all the connections made these past years. I will be working with the next counselor coming in to support students without a gap in services.
If you would like a counselor to connect with your child or your family, you can contact the school at 780-826-3323.