ROK Sports selected for PHE Canada grant

H.E. Bourgoin School is thrilled to announce that it has received a $5,000 Access to Action grant from Physical and Health Education Canada for its R.O.K. Sports and Wellness program.
“We are excited to be able to expand the opportunities available to students through ROK Sports and offset some of the costs of the program,” said Principal Tracy Casselman.
R.O.K. Sports and Wellness is a new program at H.E.B that allows students to participate in physical activities in the school and community. Grade 5 and 6 students rotate through a variety of activities, many of which are new to them. This includes yoga, curling, swimming lessons, and outdoor activities. Students in grades 7 & 8 select three activities to focus on during the year (one per trimester). Programming takes place one morning a week.
“It’s been a good opportunity and good learning,” said Grade 8 student Vance Orr. “You are able to do things you wouldn’t be able to otherwise do.”
“I like that it is a more in depth focus for a longer period of time,” said Grade 8 student Daniel Sherwood. “I’ve enjoyed learning pickleball!”
“Not only do students get to try new activities they haven’t experienced before, they also get to learn more about the community and what is available at our different recreation facilities,” said Casselman. “We are building connections in our community and students are learning about the many options they have to incorporate physical activity into their daily lives.”
The grant from PHE Canada will be used to purchase snowshoes, yoga and fitness equipment, and help offset program costs such as transportation and facility usage fees.
“Our community partners have been incredible in offering programming at reduced or no cost options,” said Casselman. “This grant will help us to ensure we are able to keep fees as low as possible for our families. We don’t want cost to be a barrier to participation.”
Learn more about R.O.K. Sports and Wellness at H.E.Bourgoin School on our website: ROK Sports at HEB