H.E.B. Lego Competition

H.E.B is excited to be hosting our first Lego Competition!
Bring in your creation using your own plastic LEGO Bricks by 4pm Monday March 20, 2023 Or, you can drop by the gym during your Student Led Conference on March 20 between 4:15-7:30 to create your entry that evening using our Lego. Prizes and certificates will be awarded.
1. Each participant is allowed ONE entry.
2. Entries must be made completely of LEGO bricks
3. All entries must be brought to HEB by 4PM March 20, 2023 and can be picked up March 22.
4. Your creation must be no bigger than 15” by 15” and no taller than 15” high.
*These dimensions are equivalent to one large grey baseplate.
5. Submission must be an original creation which is not based on a kit or internet instructions.
*By entering this competition you are agreeing to photos of your creation being used online